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Crewe Hall Hotel Spa in Cheshire

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We are currently (19 February) undergoing some changes to our online booking system for Spa Days and Treatments. As a result the prices and names you see below may differ when you go to book online. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and suggest you call our Contact Centre on 0330 107 1599 to book.


Need a moment of calm? Book yourself in for some ‘me time’ at the Crewe Hall Spa in Stoke on Trent and let our team of dedicated experts work their magic.  

With six treatment rooms and a wide range of indulgent ELEMIS products and treatments, you’ll leave our spa hotel in Cheshire feeling relaxed and revitalised.   

We work with Amethyst Trust and offer specialist massages and facials to those affected by cancer. 


For a £20 fee at the time of booking give yourself the peace of mind of being able to cancel up to 48 hours prior to arrival. Simply select the ‘Booking Flexibility’ in the enhanced section in our booking engine. 

<strong><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW47392833 BCX8">FLEXIBLE BOOKING TERMS</span></strong>